Sabtu, 03 September 2011

Say Hello, this is my new blog.

At the first I want to say hello is my new blog and was made in 3 September 2011 21:08. hehe. I wish my blog can be useful to every people. Hmm I am forget to introduce my self hehe.although in this blog my profile was published I want to introduce that one more time again,  my name is Chandra Edwin. now i was 17 years old and I studying in University of Indonesia, Public Administration department , Admnistration dept. Are you know what is problem in UI at now(last Agustus until now, 3 November 2011 and I dont know when this problem can finish and solve)? Yes, its about the rector university of indonesia gave the king of saudi arab DR HC title. Hmm I was read the rector opinion about that and i think the rector had a reasonable reasons why the king of saudi arabia appropiate to recive DR HC title and we must give appreciated to the reasons. Hmm I think if you read news about it you can give yours opinion in your view. hehe. Ok that only my little opinion about big, and hot topic in UI. I hope this problem can be solved as soon as possible. hehe
Ok we  switch to others about me..
My senior high school is 77 Senior high school, which one of the large, and best school in Jakarta. Hehe, and my teen story has begun from this school. Haha in my school I was meet the beautiful and smart girl hmm don't call her name at this blog hha. In my first sight I was in love with her. Ok thats only past haha all can be changed soo fast like climate in this century. haha
My Junior High School is 137 Junior High School, which one of the large and best too in Jakarta.
My Elementary School is 26 pt, actually my childhood was spent in this school, I am playing as a child who never have a problem like the kites who flying in high sky. haha
Ok thats about my history of education.
we further to my SWOT.
I only give simple opinion about my SWOT.
 S- i have Allah who give me strhengts
 W- Sometimes i forget to be grateful to Allah
 O- I have the kind people who always remind me to stay on the right path
 T- Not all of my friends always remind me to stay on the right path.
 Ok I thinks all of above is one part about me . hehe. It means there are more parts about me who i dont tell to you. Maybe if you was meet me you can know me more than now. hehe. Thanks for your attention friends. Nice to share with you.

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